Technology Integration IN SCHOOLS

You have finance, now look at equipment

Schools should have equipment to integrate technology into education. It is a fact that, equipment and infrastructure avaibility is very important. Schools and districts need to count and keep track of hardware for technology integration.  Schools should  support both presence of computers and other technology resources in schools administrative and instructional settings and for the availability of these resources to teachers, students, and administrative staff.  

You can use following questions to provide equipment and infrastructure. 
1. Is equipment present in istructional settings?
2. Is equipment avaiable for use by students?
3. Is equipment available for use by teachers?
4. Is equipment avaiable for use by asministrators and support staff?

Defining finance terms and categories for technology integration

Equipment and infrastructure refer to computer hardware and related communications equipment and cabling. Technology related equipment regularly used in schools. Therefore, schools should focus on capabilities, avaibility, and connectivity of computer. equipment and infrastructure.Computer equipment refers to both computers and associated peripheral equipment, such as:

  • computers, including desktop and laptop machines, but extending to handheld computers (also known as Personal Digital Assistants, or PDAs), mainframe machines, and other specialized computing devices; and
  • peripheral equipment that may be attached to computers, such as monitors, keyboards, disk drives, modems, printers, scanners, cameras, and speakers.
The term infrastructure includes both devices and cabling. Devices supporting technology in schools include specialized equipment (switches, routers, modems, or codecs) that link computers or video hardware to networks. Infrastructure also refers to cabling, whether wire, fiber optic, or coaxial. In newer systems, links between computers are wireless, in which case infrastructure refers to receivers and transmitters.

In addition, they firstly have it make available for students, teachers, administrative staffs.